The anthropology of love and anger : the aesthetics of conviviality in native Amazonia / editado por Joanna Overing & Alan Passes

Colaborador(es): Overing, Joanna | Passes, AlanTipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Editor: New York: Routledge, 2000Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 305 pISBN: 0415224187Tema(s): Antropología Social y Cultural | Comunidades nativas | Condiciones SocialesClasificación LoC:F 2519.1.A6 | .A58
Contiene: Introduction -- COnviaviality as acreative process: the aesthetics of the passions and embodiments of community -- Conquest and contact: the historical failure of convivial relations --Index.
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Contiene: Introduction -- COnviaviality as acreative process: the aesthetics of the passions and embodiments of community -- Conquest and contact: the historical failure of convivial relations --Index.

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