The rise of anthropological theory / Marvin Harris

Por: Harris, MarvinTipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Editor: London: Routledge &Kegan Paul, 1969Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 806 pISBN: 0710063253Tema(s): Antropología | Evolución Humana | Etnología | Diversidad CulturalClasificación LoC:GN 308 | .H22
Contiene : Introduction --Enlightenment --Reaction and recovery: the early nineteenth century -- Rise of racial determinism -- Spencerism --Evolutionism: methods -- The evolutionists: results -- Dialetical materialism -- Historical particularism: Boas -- The boasian mileu -- Yhe ethnographic basis of particularism --Kroeber --Lowie -- Diffusionism --Culture and Personality: Pre-Freudian -- Culture and Personality: New Directions --French structuralism --British social anthropology -- Emics, etics, and the new ethnography -- Statical survey and the nomothetic revival -- Cultural materialism: general evolution --Cultura materialism: cultural ecology.
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Contiene : Introduction --Enlightenment --Reaction and recovery: the early nineteenth century -- Rise of racial determinism -- Spencerism --Evolutionism: methods -- The evolutionists: results -- Dialetical materialism -- Historical particularism: Boas -- The boasian mileu -- Yhe ethnographic basis of particularism --Kroeber --Lowie -- Diffusionism --Culture and Personality: Pre-Freudian -- Culture and Personality: New Directions --French structuralism --British social anthropology -- Emics, etics, and the new ethnography -- Statical survey and the nomothetic revival -- Cultural materialism: general evolution --Cultura materialism: cultural ecology.

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