Ethnicity and boundary maintenance among peruvian forest quechua / Francoise Scazzocchio

Por: Barbira-Scazzocchio, FrancoiseTipo de material: TextoTextoEditor: [Cambridge] : University of Cambridge, Faculty of Archaeology nad Anthropology, 1979Descripción: 351 p. ; 21 cmTema(s): Recursos Forestales | Indígenas quechua -- Perú -- Amazonia -- Recursos forestalesClasificación LoC:FP | 82.L11 B23 1979
Introduction -- The scenario : habitat and history -- Producing a livelihood -- Gender division and complementarity -- The ties that bind -- The matsigenka polity -- Leadership in oral tradition -- Modern leaders - formal and informal -- Modes of domination and the politics of knowledge.
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FP 82.L11 B23 1979 (Navegar estantería) No para préstamo
Total de reservas: 0

Bibliografía: p. [214]-231.

Introduction -- The scenario : habitat and history -- Producing a livelihood -- Gender division and complementarity -- The ties that bind -- The matsigenka polity -- Leadership in oral tradition -- Modern leaders - formal and informal -- Modes of domination and the politics of knowledge.

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