Cognitive systems and cultural models of illness : a study of two mestizo peasant communities of the peruvian Amazon / Matti Kamppinen

Por: Kamppinen, MattiTipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Español Series (FF Communications; 244)Editor: Helsinki: Suimalainen Tiedakatemia. Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 1989Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 150 p.: ilustraciones ; 21 cmISBN: 9514105982Tema(s): Etnología | Modelos de Crecimiento | Política cultural -- Perú | Gestión CulturalClasificación LoC:GN 475 | K19
Contiene: Critical introduction: dialogue with the anthropological other -- Informavores -- Cultural models and tradition ecology -- Cognitiva systems in illness situations -- Metaphors os illness -- Models of illness among the mestizos -- Models of Illness among the mestizoas of the peruvian Amazon .
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Contiene: Critical introduction: dialogue with the anthropological other -- Informavores -- Cultural models and tradition ecology -- Cognitiva systems in illness situations -- Metaphors os illness -- Models of illness among the mestizos -- Models of Illness among the mestizoas of the peruvian Amazon .

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