Class, kinship, and power in an Ecuadorian Town : the negroes of San Lorenzo / Norman E. Whitten

Por: Whitten, Norman ETipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Editor: California : Sanford University Press, 1965Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 237 pTema(s): Economía | Etnología | Participación Política | Antropología Social y CulturalClasificación LoC:GN 448.2 | .W62
Contiene : Introduction -- The setting -- Change in San Lorenzo --The economic order: the upper and middle classes -- Cash and susbsistence economics: the lower class -- Ethnic and status grouping -- Family, Household, and Kinship -- Kinship and socioeconomic Mobility - - The political order -- Conclusion
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GN 448.2 .W62 (Navegar estantería) Disponible
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Contiene : Introduction -- The setting -- Change in San Lorenzo --The economic order: the upper and middle classes -- Cash and susbsistence economics: the lower class -- Ethnic and status grouping -- Family, Household, and Kinship -- Kinship and socioeconomic Mobility - - The political order -- Conclusion

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