Amazon healer : the life and times of an urban shaman / Marlene Dobkin de Rios

Por: Dobkin de Rios, MarleneTipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Editor: Dorset: NSW, 1992Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 180 pISBN: 1853270768Tema(s): Chamanismo | Curanderos | Medicina TradicionalClasificación LoC:GN 475.8 | D72a
Contiene : Introduction --The transducer effect -- The Amazon: a description and history -- Traditional Amazonian healing practices: tribe and town -- Modern mysticism -- Illnesses treated by don Hilde -- Don Hilde´s Clients --The plant pharmacopoeia --Concersations with don Hilde --Don Hilde and Vidente phenomenon: the Evocation of exceptional Emotional states.
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Contiene : Introduction --The transducer effect -- The Amazon: a description and history -- Traditional Amazonian healing practices: tribe and town -- Modern mysticism -- Illnesses treated by don Hilde -- Don Hilde´s Clients --The plant pharmacopoeia --Concersations with don Hilde --Don Hilde and Vidente phenomenon: the Evocation of exceptional Emotional states.

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