About understanding : ideas and observations on cross-cultural communication / Andreas Fuglesang

Por: Fuglesang, AndreasTipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Editor: Uppsala: Dag hammarskjöld Foundation, 1982Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 231 p.: ilustraciones ; 18 cmISBN: 9185214094Tema(s): Etnología | Mitología | Comunidades indígenas -- Perú | Medicina TradicionalClasificación LoC:GN 345.5 | .F92
Contiene : Introductioon -- The arrogance of Aristotle -- The need for demystying our words -- Information is the opposite of uncertainty -- Talking the same language and having time together -- Into the archaeology of man´s mind -- The word is just another thing -- Of course there are spirits --The oral civilizations --Under the mango tree --The method of no method -- We see with our experience --Community health -- Pictures by people -- Tenderness towards things.
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Contiene : Introductioon -- The arrogance of Aristotle -- The need for demystying our words -- Information is the opposite of uncertainty -- Talking the same language and having time together -- Into the archaeology of man´s mind -- The word is just another thing -- Of course there are spirits --The oral civilizations --Under the mango tree --The method of no method -- We see with our experience --Community health -- Pictures by people -- Tenderness towards things.

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