Excavations at Huacaloma in the Cajamarca valley, Peru, 1979 / Kazuo Terada, Yoshio Onuki.

Por: Japanese Scientific Expedition to Nuclear AmericAColaborador(es): Terada, Kazuo, 1928- | Onuki, Yoshio, 1937-Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Japanese Scientific Expedition to Nuclear America. Report of the Japanese Scientific Expedition to Nuclear America: 2.Editor: [Tōkyō] : University of Tokyo Press, 1982Descripción: xiv, 351, 135 p., [5] h. de láms. : il. ; 31 cmTema(s): Excavaciones (Arqueología) -- Perú -- Huacaloma | Huacaloma (Perú)Clasificación LoC:FP | 81.11 T41
Introduction -- Stratigraphy and constructions -- Classification of pottery -- Seriated sequence of pottery types -- Clay, stone, metal, bone and shell artifacts -- Process of the site formation -- Conclusions.
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FP 81.11 T41 (Navegar estantería) Disponible
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Bibliografía: p. 319-320.

Introduction -- Stratigraphy and constructions -- Classification of pottery -- Seriated sequence of pottery types -- Clay, stone, metal, bone and shell artifacts -- Process of the site formation -- Conclusions.

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