Agricultural change among the Alto Mayo aguaruna, eastern Peru : the effects on culture and enviroment / Martha Adrienne Teresa Works

Por: Works, Martha Adrienne TeresaTipo de material: TextoTextoEditor: Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1984Descripción: 172 p.: mapas, 21 cmTema(s): Indígenas aguaruna -- Vida y costumbres sociales | Valle del Alto Mayo -- Comunidades nativasClasificación LoC:FP | 82.A3 W88
The Alto Mayo Valley : physical description and settlement -- The aguaruna: background and traditional life -- Factors influencing change -- The effects of change : comercial agriculture among the Mayo Aguaruna -- Change in traditional agricultural patterns -- Effects on the landscape: changes in spatial order and material culture -- The social components of agricultural change.
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FP 82.A3 W88 (Navegar estantería) Disponible
Total de reservas: 0

The Alto Mayo Valley : physical description and settlement -- The aguaruna: background and traditional life -- Factors influencing change -- The effects of change : comercial agriculture among the Mayo Aguaruna -- Change in traditional agricultural patterns -- Effects on the landscape: changes in spatial order and material culture -- The social components of agricultural change.

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