Cultural ecology and change of the maghiguenga indiensa of the peruvian amazon / Michael George Baksh

Por: Baksh, Michael GeorgeTipo de material: TextoTextoEditor: Los Angeles: [s.n.] 1984Descripción: 476 p. : il. ; 22 cmISBN: 0835705331Tema(s): Indígenas machiguenga -- Vida y costumbres sociales | Indígenas de América del Sur -- Perú -- Amazonía -- Condiciones socialesClasificación LoC:FP | 82.M1 B16
Introduction -- The machiguenga and fieldwork -- The procurement of wild foods -- Subsistence agriculture -- Cash crops and animal industry -- Manufacture -- Health and nutrition -- Social organization and fellowship -- Summary and conclusion.
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Introduction -- The machiguenga and fieldwork -- The procurement of wild foods -- Subsistence agriculture -- Cash crops and animal industry -- Manufacture -- Health and nutrition -- Social organization and fellowship -- Summary and conclusion.

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