Pagans into christians : the political economy of religious conversion among the harakmbut of lowland southheastern Peru, 1902-1982 by Lissie Wahl

Por: Wahl, LissieTipo de material: TextoTextoEditor: New York : [s.n.], 1987Descripción: 355 p. : il. ; 29 cmTema(s): Religión | Misiones -- Perú -- AmazoníaClasificación LoC:FP | 82.H1 W56
Religious missions and political economy -- Carabaya and q'osnipata to the turn of the nineteenth century -- The appearance of religious emisaries -- The peruvian nation-state and the development of missions in Madre de Dios -- The nature of religious task -- Dominican ideology -- Distinct communities involved -- The regional structure of production and distribution -- Means of proselytization -- The dominican mission complex -- The mission complex among the harakmbut.
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Religious missions and political economy -- Carabaya and q'osnipata to the turn of the nineteenth century -- The appearance of religious emisaries -- The peruvian nation-state and the development of missions in Madre de Dios -- The nature of religious task -- Dominican ideology -- Distinct communities involved -- The regional structure of production and distribution -- Means of proselytization -- The dominican mission complex -- The mission complex among the harakmbut.

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