Matses adaptations in the peruvian amazon / Steven A. Romanoff

Por: Romanoff, Steven A, 1949-Colaborador(es): Centro Amazónico de Antropología y Aplicación Práctica (Perú)Tipo de material: TextoTextoEditor: [Lima] : Columbia University 1984Descripción: xii, 306 p. : il. ; 29 cmISBN: 9972608182Tema(s): Indígenas mayoruna -- Vida y costumbres sociales | Lengua mayoruna -- TextosClasificación LoC:FP | 82M19 R81
Twentieth century history -- Demography -- Subsistence technologies -- The social organization of longhouses -- The age/sex division of labor and exchange -- Settlement pattern in relation to hunting and agriculture -- Marriage -- Ritual regulation of work and mundane activities -- Conclusions.
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Twentieth century history -- Demography -- Subsistence technologies -- The social organization of longhouses -- The age/sex division of labor and exchange -- Settlement pattern in relation to hunting and agriculture -- Marriage -- Ritual regulation of work and mundane activities -- Conclusions.

Spanish, Mayoruna, and English.

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