The land of to-morrow; a newspaper exploration up the Amazon and over the Andes to the California of South America,

Por: Kerbey, Orton, -1913. [from old catalog]Tipo de material: TextoTextoEditor: New York, W.F. Brainard, 1906Descripción: ix, 405 p. : il., retrs. ; 20 cmTema(s): Río Amazonas -- Descripciones y viajes | Perú -- Descripciones y viajesClasificación LoC:FP | 24 K44
Amazonia, the land of To-morrow -- Some erroneous impressions of the sea port of the Amazon -- Extensive business in rubber and tropical products --First thousand miles up the Amazon, steamer service, mileage and navigation -- Manaos, the St. Louis of the Amazon -- The second thousand miles up the Amazon -- Iquitos -- Source of the Amazon and origin of the name -- Resources of the Upper Amazon -- Canoeing by Daylight or dawn -- Change canoes and paddlers -- First day over the mountains -- The valley of Tarapota the garden of the Gods -- Continuing the journey on mules -- A fracas with drunken indians -- The andes-three distinct ranges -- Moyobamba valley and town -- An Amazonian Arcadian -- Homeward bound by the pacific -- Scaling the central andes on mules -- Three miles above the earth on a mule -- Chachapoyas, the half way town between the Amazon and the pacific -- Farewell to Inez -- Cajamarca, the ancient city of Peru -- On the pacific coast.
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Amazonia, the land of To-morrow -- Some erroneous impressions of the sea port of the Amazon -- Extensive business in rubber and tropical products --First thousand miles up the Amazon, steamer service, mileage and navigation -- Manaos, the St. Louis of the Amazon -- The second thousand miles up the Amazon -- Iquitos -- Source of the Amazon and origin of the name -- Resources of the Upper Amazon -- Canoeing by Daylight or dawn -- Change canoes and paddlers -- First day over the mountains -- The valley of Tarapota the garden of the Gods -- Continuing the journey on mules -- A fracas with drunken indians -- The andes-three distinct ranges -- Moyobamba valley and town -- An Amazonian Arcadian -- Homeward bound by the pacific -- Scaling the central andes on mules -- Three miles above the earth on a mule -- Chachapoyas, the half way town between the Amazon and the pacific -- Farewell to Inez -- Cajamarca, the ancient city of Peru -- On the pacific coast.

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