Jungle stories : the fight for the Amazon / Sting and Jean-Pierre Dutilleux ; photographs by Jean-Pierre Dutilleux.

Por: Sting (Musician)Colaborador(es): Dutilleux, Jean-PierreTipo de material: TextoTextoEditor: London : Barrie & Jenkins, 1989Descripción: 128 p. : il. col.; 30 cmISBN: 0099715406 :Tema(s): Indígenas kayapó -- Condiciones sociales | Indígenas kayapó -- Relaciones gubernamentales | Deforestación -- Región río AmazonasClasificación LoC:FE | 106 S81
The amazon rainforest -- Sting in the amazon -- Raoni fights for the forest -- Raoni meets red crow -- Letter from altamira -- The rainforest foundation.
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FE 106 S81 (Navegar estantería) Disponible
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The amazon rainforest -- Sting in the amazon -- Raoni fights for the forest -- Raoni meets red crow -- Letter from altamira -- The rainforest foundation.

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