Stress and warfare among the Kayenta Anasazi of the thirteenth century A.D. / Jonathan Haas and Winifred Creamer, editor

Colaborador(es): Haas, Jonathan [editor y curador] | Creamer, Winifred [editor]Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Editor: Chicago : Field Museum of Natural History, 1993Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 211 p.: fotografía, mapas ; 21 cmISBN: 00714739Tema(s): Cultura Anasazi -- Kayenta -- Arizona | Población Indígena | Redes de Información | Comunidades Rurales | CerámicaClasificación LoC:E B 41 | H10
Contiene : Illustrations -- Tribes and tribal formation -- Background and methodology -- Excavation in long House Valley -- Kayenta and Klethla Valleys -- Tsegi Canyon Survey -- Conclusion and Beyond -- Appendix B. Computer methods geographic information Systems -- Appendix C. Chipped Stone eaw materials fom Long House, Klethla, and Kayenta Valleys -- Appendix D. Temper ANalysus of Ceramics
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Contiene : Illustrations -- Tribes and tribal formation -- Background and methodology -- Excavation in long House Valley -- Kayenta and Klethla Valleys -- Tsegi Canyon Survey -- Conclusion and Beyond -- Appendix B. Computer methods geographic information Systems -- Appendix C. Chipped Stone eaw materials fom Long House, Klethla, and Kayenta Valleys -- Appendix D. Temper ANalysus of Ceramics

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