Changing agricultural systems in Latin America

Por: Symposium of the American Anthropological Association in Washington Washington D.C. 1978Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Editor: Virginia : Studies in third world societies 1978Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 118 pTema(s): Agricultura | Población Indígena | Tecnologías | Cultivos de Tuberosas -- PapaClasificación LoC:C S 401 | .S99
Contiene : Introduction -- Native Amazonian Sbsistence in Diverse Habitats: the siona-secoya of Ecuador -- Choice of techonology in irrigated agriculture -- Strategies for survival: resource-use along the transamazon highway -- Blaming the victim: small farmer production in an Amazon colonization project -- Anthropology and agricultural research: the case of potato anthropology --An antrhropological appraisal of south American farning systems.
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Contiene : Introduction -- Native Amazonian Sbsistence in Diverse Habitats: the siona-secoya of Ecuador -- Choice of techonology in irrigated agriculture -- Strategies for survival: resource-use along the transamazon highway -- Blaming the victim: small farmer production in an Amazon colonization project -- Anthropology and agricultural research: the case of potato anthropology --An antrhropological appraisal of south American farning systems.

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