Hydroelectric dams on Brazil's Xingu River and indigenous peoples / editors, Leinad Ayer de O. Santos, Lúcia M.M. de Andrade ; translator, Robin Wright.

Colaborador(es): Santos, Leinad Ayer O | Andrade, Lúcia M. M. de (Lúcia Mendonça Morato) | Wright, Robin, 1950- | Comissão Pró-Indio/SPTipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Cultural survival report ; 30Editor: Cambridge, Mass. : São Paulo : Cultural Survival ; Pro-Indian Commission of São Paulo, 1990Descripción: 192 p. : il., mapas ; 28 cmISBN: 0939521407 :Títulos uniformes: Hidrelétricas do Xingu e os povos indígenas. Inglés Tema(s): Indígenas de América del Sur -- Brasil -- Valle del río Xingu -- Condiciones sociales | Hydroelectric power plants -- Brazil -- Xingu River Valley | Centrales hidroeléctricas -- Brasil -- Valle del río Xingu | Indians of South America -- Brazil -- Xingu River Valley -- Government relations | Indians of South America -- Land tenure -- Brazil -- Xingu River ValleyClasificación LoC:FE | 42.27 S21
Xingu hydroelectrics: the state versus indigenous societies -- Works on the great bend of the xingu-a historic trauma? -- The decision making process and the technological aspects -- Brazilian energy policy -- Alternative proposals for brazilian energy policy -- MDBs and the brazilian electrical energy sector -- Regulations for enviromental impact studies -- Considerationson the ecological effects of xingu dams -- Social implications of the electric sector policy -- Tucuruí: a relocation policy in context -- Workers in the amazon region of Pará and large dams -- Indigenous peoples of the middle xingu -- The arara -- The kararao of the iriri river -- Indigenous peoples ifthe xingu-bacajá -- The kajapó-xikrin of Bacajá -- The asurini of the xingu -- The araweté -- The parakana indians.
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FE 42.27 S21 (Navegar estantería) Disponible
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Traducción de: As Hidrelétricas do Xingu e os povos indígenas.

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Xingu hydroelectrics: the state versus indigenous societies -- Works on the great bend of the xingu-a historic trauma? -- The decision making process and the technological aspects -- Brazilian energy policy -- Alternative proposals for brazilian energy policy -- MDBs and the brazilian electrical energy sector -- Regulations for enviromental impact studies -- Considerationson the ecological effects of xingu dams -- Social implications of the electric sector policy -- Tucuruí: a relocation policy in context -- Workers in the amazon region of Pará and large dams -- Indigenous peoples of the middle xingu -- The arara -- The kararao of the iriri river -- Indigenous peoples ifthe xingu-bacajá -- The kajapó-xikrin of Bacajá -- The asurini of the xingu -- The araweté -- The parakana indians.

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