Folk literature of the Toba Indians / Johannes Wilbert and Karin Simoneau, editors ; contributing authors, Edgardo J. Cordeu ... [et al.].

Colaborador(es): Wilbert, Johannes | Simoneau, Karin | Cordeu, Edgardo JTipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Folk literature of South American Indians ; UCLA Latin American studies ; v. 54Editor: Los Angeles : UCLA Latin American Center Publications, University of California, Los Angeles, 1982Descripción: 2v. 24 cmTema(s): Indígenas toba -- Folclore | Indígenas toba -- MitologíaClasificación LoC:FJ | 42.30 .W68
Contenido: v.1. The narratives -- Cosmology and star mythology -- Cataclysms -- Origins stories -- The tricksters -- Animals tales -- Heroes and legendary beings -- Extraordinary creatures and events -- The motif indices.-- v.2. Cosmology and star mythology -- Cataclysms -- Origins -- Animals -- The trickster -- Heroes --Extraordinary creatures and events -- Unclasified narratives.
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FJ 42.30 .W68 v.2 (Navegar estantería) Disponible
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Contenido: v.1. The narratives -- Cosmology and star mythology -- Cataclysms -- Origins stories -- The tricksters -- Animals tales -- Heroes and legendary beings -- Extraordinary creatures and events -- The motif indices.-- v.2. Cosmology and star mythology -- Cataclysms -- Origins -- Animals -- The trickster -- Heroes --Extraordinary creatures and events -- Unclasified narratives.

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