A grammar of Huallaga (Huánuco) quechua / David John Weber

Por: Weber, David JohnTipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series (University of California Publications in Linguistics ; 112)Editor: Berkeley: University Press of Californisa, 1989Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 490 pISBN: 0520097327Tema(s): Lingüística | Lengua quechua | GramáticaClasificación LoC:PM 6303 | W36g
Construcción: Introduction -- Instroduction to the syntax -- Verbal elements -- Substantive elements -- Averbs -- Other ord and suffix classes --Word dormation -- Transitions and tense -- Pre-transition suffixes.
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Construcción: Introduction -- Instroduction to the syntax -- Verbal elements -- Substantive elements -- Averbs -- Other ord and suffix classes --Word dormation -- Transitions and tense -- Pre-transition suffixes.

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