Indigenous people, customary law and human rights : why living law matters / Brendan Tobin

Por: Tobin, BrendanTipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Español Series (Roudedge studies in law and sustainable development)Editor: Nueva York : Routledge, 2014Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 102 pISBN: 9781315778792Tema(s): Indígenas | Derechos de los pueblos originarios | Derechos HumanosClasificación LoC:KI 280 | T64
Contiene: Introduction -- Customary law in context -- Self-determination in practice -- Where custom in the law -- In search of the living law.
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Contiene: Introduction -- Customary law in context -- Self-determination in practice -- Where custom in the law -- In search of the living law.

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