Hallucinogens : cross-cultural perspectives / Marlene Dobkin de Rios

Por: Dobkin de Rios, MarleneTipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Español Editor: New York: Prism Unity, 1990Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 255 pISBN: 185327061Tema(s): Alucinógenos | Etnografía | Plantas medicinales | Comunidades indígenasClasificación LoC:GN 475.8 | D72
Contiene : Introduction -- Ethnographies --The australian aborigines -- The reindeer herdsmen of Siberia -- The plains Indians of North America -- The New Guinea Highlanders -- The aztects oof Mexico -- The Inca of Peru -- Uraban Amazonian Mestizos in Peru -- Cultural universals and the Hallucinogens --Cross-cultural motifs in the Use of Hallucinogenic plants -- Summary and conclusions.
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Contiene : Introduction -- Ethnographies --The australian aborigines -- The reindeer herdsmen of Siberia -- The plains Indians of North America -- The New Guinea Highlanders -- The aztects oof Mexico -- The Inca of Peru -- Uraban Amazonian Mestizos in Peru -- Cultural universals and the Hallucinogens --Cross-cultural motifs in the Use of Hallucinogenic plants -- Summary and conclusions.

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