Customs and cultures : anthropology for christian missions / Eugene A. Nida

Por: Nida, Eugene ATipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Español Editor: Nueva York: Harper & Row, 1954Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 306 pISBN: 548976Tema(s): Antropología Social y Cultural | Etnología | MitologíaClasificación LoC:GN 320 | .N54
Contiene : Preface --Shocks and surprises -- Rhyme and reason -- What is culture? -- Easy and wrong explanations -- It´s just natural -- Why peaople act as they do -- Fried scrambled? -- Things and ideas -- How much is it woek --All the piecesfit together -- If other people do it, why can´t we? -- What does anthropology show us? -- Race and ranting -- Hoes and headaches -- Friends and frustrations --Devils and doubts -- Drums and drama --Queer sounds, strange gammars, and unexpected meanings -- Old customs and new ways -- New solutions to old problems.
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Contiene : Preface --Shocks and surprises -- Rhyme and reason -- What is culture? -- Easy and wrong explanations -- It´s just natural -- Why peaople act as they do -- Fried scrambled? -- Things and ideas -- How much is it woek --All the piecesfit together -- If other people do it, why can´t we? -- What does anthropology show us? -- Race and ranting -- Hoes and headaches -- Friends and frustrations --Devils and doubts -- Drums and drama --Queer sounds, strange gammars, and unexpected meanings -- Old customs and new ways -- New solutions to old problems.

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