Anthropology and myth : lectures 1951-1982 / Claude Lévi-Strauss ; traducido por Roy Willis

Por: Lévi-Strauss, ClaudeColaborador(es): Willis, Roy [traductor]Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Editor: Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1987Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 232 pISBN: 0631144749Tema(s): Antropología | Mitología | EtnologíaClasificación LoC:GN 362 | L54a
Contiene : Preface -- The field of research -- The future od anthropology -- Totemism and the savage mind -- Mythologics --The raw and th cooked .From honey to ashes -- The origin of table manners,1 -- The Naked man -- Inquiries into mythology and ritual -- Three hopi gods --An Iroquois myth --Sketches for an American Bestiary -- The grail in America -- Cannibalism and ritual transvestism -- Order and disorder in oral tradition.
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Contiene : Preface -- The field of research -- The future od anthropology -- Totemism and the savage mind -- Mythologics --The raw and th cooked .From honey to ashes -- The origin of table manners,1 -- The Naked man -- Inquiries into mythology and ritual -- Three hopi gods --An Iroquois myth --Sketches for an American Bestiary -- The grail in America -- Cannibalism and ritual transvestism -- Order and disorder in oral tradition.

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