The Upper Amazon / [by] Donald W. Lathrap

Por: Lathrap, Donald Ward, 1927-Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Ancient peoples and places, v. 70Editor: London : Thames & Hudson, 1970Descripción: 256 p.: il., mapas ; 21 cmISBN: 0500020671Tema(s): Indígenas de América del Sur -- Amazonía -- Vida y costumbres socialesClasificación LoC:FP | 374.10 L28
The upper Amazon as a setting for cultural development -- Tropical forest culture -- Languages of the upper Amazon: clues to past migrations and ancient demography -- The early tropical forest cultures of the upper Amazon -- The barrancoid peoples and their migrations -- Displaced persons -- Further invasions of the Ucayali basin -- Ridged files -- The carib expansion out of the Amazon basin -- Terracing and the eastern slopes of the Andes -- The present ethnographic picture in the Ucayali basin.
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FP 374.10 L28 (Navegar estantería) Disponible
Total de reservas: 0

Bibliografía: p. 191-203.

The upper Amazon as a setting for cultural development -- Tropical forest culture -- Languages of the upper Amazon: clues to past migrations and ancient demography -- The early tropical forest cultures of the upper Amazon -- The barrancoid peoples and their migrations -- Displaced persons -- Further invasions of the Ucayali basin -- Ridged files -- The carib expansion out of the Amazon basin -- Terracing and the eastern slopes of the Andes -- The present ethnographic picture in the Ucayali basin.

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