Women of the forest / Yolanda Murphy y Robert F. Murphy ; editado por R. Brian Ferguson.

Por: Murphy, YolandaColaborador(es): Ferguson, R. Brian [editor]Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Editor: New York : Columbia University Press, 2004Edición: 1ra edDescripción: 234 pISBN: 0231036825Tema(s): Indígenas munduruku | Cambio Social | MitologíaClasificación LoC:GN 479.7 | .M95Recursos en línea: ver documento
Contiene : Preface -- Woman´s Day -- The Land and the people -- Mundurucú culture -- Women in Myth and Symbol --The women and married life --Women and social change --Women and Men ---Bibliography -- Index.
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Contiene : Preface -- Woman´s Day -- The Land and the people -- Mundurucú culture -- Women in Myth and Symbol --The women and married life --Women and social change --Women and Men ---Bibliography -- Index.

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