Nordenskiöld, Erland 1877-1932

An ethno-geographical analysis of the material culture of two Indian tribes in the Gran Chaco, by Erland Nordenskiöld. - [Göteborg, Elanders boktryckeri aktiebolag, 1919] - xi, 295 p. ; il., mapas; 24 cm. - His Comparative ethnographical studies. I . - Nordenskiöld, Erland, 1877-1932. Comparative ethnographical studies. I. .

English translation by G.E. Fuhrken. A study of the Chorotes and Ashluslay Indians.

Bibliografía: p. 270-293.

Introduction and plan of the work -- The migrations of the cultural elements -- Dwelling-places -- The bed -- Cultivated plants and agricultural tools -- Tools used for collecting wild plants -- Hunting weapons and equipment -- Weapons not used, or seldom used in the chase -- Fishing-tackle -- Domestic animals and objects connected with them tools -- Fire-makins¿g apparatuses -- Fire-places and accesories -- Utensils used in preparing and consuming food -- Means of indulgence -- Dress -- Objects for deforming the body -- Tattooing -- Trinkets and knick-knacks -- Toilet articles -- Carrying-utensils -- Holders for various articles -- Games and playthings -- Signals and musical instruments, etc -- Trophies -- Property marks -- Miscellaneous handicrafts -- The influence of the mountain civilization in the Gran Chaco -- Elements of the culture received by the indians of the Gran Chaco from the northem part os S. America.

Indians of South America--Gran Chaco.
Indígenas de América del Sur--Gran Chaco
Chorotes Indians.
Indígenas chorote--Condiciones sociales
Ashluslay Indians.
Indígenas chulupíes--Condiciones sociales

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