Hornborg, Alf.
Dualism and hierarchy in lowland South America : trajectories of indigenous social organization / Alf Hornborg - 1ra ed. - Uppsala : Uppsala University, 1986 - 304 p. : ilustraciones ; 25 cm.
Contiene : List of tables -- Preface --Theorical and methodological pints of departure -- The ethnographic sample -- General correlations -- Theorical conclusions.
Condiciones Sociales
Antropología Social y Cultural
GN 478 / .H76
Dualism and hierarchy in lowland South America : trajectories of indigenous social organization / Alf Hornborg - 1ra ed. - Uppsala : Uppsala University, 1986 - 304 p. : ilustraciones ; 25 cm.
Contiene : List of tables -- Preface --Theorical and methodological pints of departure -- The ethnographic sample -- General correlations -- Theorical conclusions.
Condiciones Sociales
Antropología Social y Cultural
GN 478 / .H76