Myers, Thomas P.

The Papacocha and Chumancaya : traditions at Parinacochas, Perú / Thomas P. Myers - 1ra ed. - Lincoln: University of Nebraska State Museum, 2002 - 26 p. ; 30 cm.

Contiene : Introduction -- Sites and excavation -- Methodological approach to the study of archaeologycal materials -- Ceramics of the papacocha tradition -- The Papacocha and Chumancaya tradition --The Papacocha and Chumancaya tradition at Yanacocha -- Norceramic artifacts -- Archaeologycal comparation -- Conclusions.

Ceramica indígena --América del Sur
Excavaciones (Arqueología)--Perú

FP 82.11 / M99t
Centro de Documentación CAAAP | AV. Manuel González Prada 626, Magdalena del Mar | (51-1) 4615223 Anexo 205 y 209 |