Intercropping with Cassava : proceedings of an international workshop held at Trivadrum, Indian, 27 nov-1 Dec 1978 /
Edward Weber; Barry Nestel & Marilyn Campbell, editores
- 1ra ed.
- Ottawa: International Development Research Centre, 1979
- 142 p.: ilustraciones, gráficas ; 18 cm
Contiene: Multiple cropping cassava and field beans: satatus of present work at the International Center of Tropical Agriculture -- Intercropping with cassava in Central America -- Cassava intercripping in Brazil -- Intercropping systems with cassava in Kerala State India -- Cassava intercropping patterns and management practices in Indonesia -- Cassava intercropping patterns and management practices in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore -- Cassava intercropping patterns and management practices in Malasya -- Intercropping with cassava in Africa -- Cassava and cassva.based intercrip systems in Thailand -- Cassava intercropping research: agroclimatic and biological interactions --Soil fertily implications of cropping patterns and practices fors cassava -- Agroeconomic considerations in cassava intercropping reseach -- Agronomic implications of cassva-legume intercropping systems --Crop protection implications of cassava intercriping.