Furst, Peter T.

Flesh of the Gods : the ritual use of hallucinogens / Peter T. Furst - 1ra ed. - London: George Allen & Unwin, 1972 - 113 p.: ilustraciones ; 18 cm.

Contiene : Introduction -- Tobacco and shamanistic exstasy among the Warao indians of Venezuela -- The culturalcontext of an aboriginal hallucinogen : banisteriopsis caapi -- The San Pedro Cactus in peruvian folk healing -- To find our life: Peyote among Huichol indians of Mexico -- The divine mushroom of immortality -- What was the Soma of the Aryans? -- Tabernanthe Iboga: narcotic ecstasis and the work of the ancestors-- Hallucinogens and shamanic origins of religion.



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