Missionaries, anthropologists, and cultural change /
William Williamsburg y Mary Williamsburg
- 1ra ed.
- Virginia, 1985
- 2 tomos
- (Studies in third world societies ; 25) .
Contiene : Prospects for a Better Understanding and Closer Cooperation between Anthropologists and Missionaries ,Louis J. Luzbetak) -- Anthropologists and Missionaries: Eternal Enemies or Colleagues in Disguise?, (Vinson H. Sutlive, Jr.) -- Parallaxis in Missiology: To Use or Abuse, (A. R. Tippett) -- Missionaries and the Perception of Evil, Kenelm Burridge -- Inculturation and Evangelisation: Realism or Romanticism? (Gerald A. Arbuckle) -- A Missionary Philosophy of Development, T. Wayne Dye -- Developing Moralnets: Twenty-five Years of Culture Change among the Choco, Jacob A. Loewen -- Missionaries and Mourning: Continuity and Change in the Death Ceremonies of a Melanesian People" (John Barker) -- The Use of Missionary Documents in Ethnohistorical Research (Darrell L. Whitman) -- Called for Life: The Literary Contribution of Edward M. Haymaker to an Ethnohistory of Protestant Missionary Ideology, Guatemala, 1887-1947 -- David G. Scotchmer) -- Ethnology and Missionaries: The Case of the Anthropos Institute and Wilhelm Schmidt Ernest Brandewie -- The Missionary as Cross-Cultural Educator, Marvin K. Mayers -- Teaching Missionaires through Stories: The Anthropological Analysis of Indigenous Literature as an Aspect of a Cross-Cultural Orientation Program, Miriam Adeney.
Antropología Social y Cultural Misiones Religiosas Interculturalidad Etnografía