In pursuit of a past Amazon : archaeological researches in the Brazilian Guyana and in the Amazon region /
by Curt Nimuendajú ; a posthumous work compiled and translated by Stig Rydén and Per Stenborg ; editor, Per Stenborg ; general editor, Jette Sandahl.
- Göteborg : Världskulturmuseet, 2004.
- vi, 380 p., 2 h. pleg. : il., mapas ; 29 cm.
- Etnologiska studier, 45 0374-7530 ; .
- Etnologiska studier ; 45. .
Brazilian Guyana -- The Amazon Estuary -- The region of the Rio Tocatins and the Rio Mearim -- The region of the Rio Xingu -- The region of the central Amazon.
Indígenas de América del Sur--Antigüedades--Río Amazonas Arqueología--Amazonas